Patricia Steur
Patricia Steur has been a successful independent photographer since 1980.
Her photographic interests range from portraits of celebrities to tribal tattoos, from rock and roll to human interest. She has worked for many magazines photographing celebrities as well as shooting CD covers. Her commercial assignments vary from stills to corporate. She is also active as director for documentaries and film. Human interest has her biggest interest now.
She made 10 books with various topics.
Patricia likes to share her knowledge by giving workshops which she does on a regular base.
In 2005 she was awarded with the prestigious photo prize “de Grote Paul”. Her book “Dutch Beauty” came out in December 2010. A book about powerful women from all walks of life in the Netherlands. Part of the revenues goes directly to Health Promoters South Africa Trust of which Patricia is ambassador of visual arts, appointed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Since 1987 she has had 30 exhibitions of her work in Holland and abroad. Her 2009 exhibitions were in L.A. (LA Art Fair) and New York (Bridge Art Fair), 2010 she exhibited at the famous Art Chicago with her work. In 2011 on the L.A. Art Fair again. “People are my passion and black and white photography will always remain a very important facet of my work."
Patricia Steur's photography is incisive and definitive. Her work is passionate and always looking for hidden beauty.
"People are my passion and black and white photography will always remain a very important facet of my work."

"Patricia Steur is een professional met een hart. Zij is het toppunt van optimisme en heeft altijd plezier in het leven. Dat uit zich in haar fotografie.
De innerlijke blijheid die ze weet wakker te maken bij haar onderwerp, schemert door alles heen."
"Patricia Steur is a professional with a heart. She is the pinnacle of optimism, always enjoying life. That is what reflects in her photography.
The inner joy that she knows to awaken in her subject, shines through everything. "
-- Liesbeth Steur --